Saturday, February 13, 2010

Yes! You have to act rich, feel rich to be rich

Yes! You have to act rich, feel rich to be rich - 6 Yau is the New Energy Double Green Dragon - 13-2-2010

Kong Xi Kong Xi - and Tong Tong Chang ....

Yeah Yeah Yeah - Fat Choy Fat Choy Fat Choy...

Happy New year - Roar like the tiger , Rise like the Phoenix

St G – My love, we have not chatted for a long time.
L- Ya, I wonder what the hell is going on ? have I lost my connection with you ?
St G- No- it’s just that becoz you have shifted, you need to look to another place for the connection. Just like you have moved your switch to another place for your light, but you keep going back to the spot where the old switch was.
L- has been very confusing and agonizing to me in the last few months- since Breckenridge.
St G- I know, you have downloaded and integrated such a humongous amount of New Energy and you own divinity, it knocked you out a lot of times. yes, the pain in the right arm and shoulder was due to your resistance on in integration of the New Energy, that also trigger past life with Yamasaki, in fact- many life lives- all your fears about spending money indiscriminately, about Yamasaki, about you frustration with your staff and partners, as your cellular memories want to clear all these so called issues… so they popped up one by one – pop by pop – punt by punt  .
L- this is scary, sometimes I seem to be so blurred- like today I threw away the credit cards statements ….
St G- this is how New Energy works, By the way , there is no bad omen in the “ Immortal “ fishes dying – it’s just your water has too strong chlorin and too little friendly bacteria in it, so the fishes die – your firm is stable …..very stable and progressing very well….I hate to see you to go into your I Ching~ese worry over the fishes/ and omens like this- that’s why I came in to chat to you abit. Yes, it is right that you do not need to listen to all of Geoffrey shouds as you have grown beyond it. But sometimes, when you feel like it, or when I nudge you... you can go in there and read like the Feb one. As your reception was “very bad “
L- I was so irritated by the pain in of my body that I had no mood to do anything and to chat with you – I could not “find “you and others.
ST G- we are here, always, with you every step of the way. But your antennae was go0ing in for a tuning-still tuning- its not done yet so , in order to upgrade, the tool has to be disconnected for a while , in order to install new tools ma .
L- Is my finance going our of control also- have I over spend?
St G- feel – my love , feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel…
L _ I don not feel “danger” – But the mind chats non stop .
St G- precisely , you have no financial crisis, do not let that mind of you run your life – you still have a lot of money in your law firm for work in progress and accumulated savings
L- DO I need to throw a way my brain into the garbage truck as well?
St G- chuckles – no, but you need to work with your brain in a brand new way. That start with a little of breathing ….and more breathing, and fuse your brain with your feelings ….
L- huh , how to do that ?
St G- now try it ……say- your mind is telling you , your are over spending- where to find the money to pay for all these …..And blend it with your feelings and fuse it- not one brow beating the other – please do not do that – but gently fusing the mind and the feel ………no force….Norma’s latest video is very good – she also talks about that
Feel the lower part of your tummy – the and then and root chakra is the anxiety- generated by the brain/mind- it is a familiar feeling, isn’t it? Now go to your intuition …..
St G- feel the sense of play – play the “Monopoly game “like child- do your remember that you always won a lot? use that skill again ? This is new energy creation ……..Did you enjoy being a tycoon today with so many servants? It’s something? Isn’t it- your manifestation is working, but you need to get the connection and confirmation from different place. Now feel your houses again in Ipoh …..feel that you are like a kid buying monopoly houses ….) I just made booking for 2 more houses in Ipoh “) – hence the anxiety

L- is it like shopping for candy in a shop ? Just point to the jars that you want , be mesmerized by the colors jars and beauty of the candies? but the houses do not look like candy wo ???
ST G – YES , YES Yes …..Its like you selecting your favorite candy knowing your mum will pay for all of that- your mum is you soul, your creator part, not your biological mother. I know how you feel about your mother …..Chuckles.
You have to act rich , feel rich to be rich ….:) NO fear- that’s the reasons we prod you to read Richard Branson- the Virgin Boss - you need to have courage to be a New Energy Billionaire.

I also note that I am getting a lot info- like the crystal skull – does it have to do with Alexander McQueen’s death and his skull scarf sale ?

ST G- Exactly!!!! This I how you spot trend and flow of your biz ……!!!!!!

L- Hmmm- si this got to do with the lizards and land –
St G- yeah yeah yeah – it’s a reminder of your dragon pearl le …..You even sign it with a “dot” now ……without you knowing it by your mind
L- AM I going to teach this?
St G- spot on my dear. spot on …..
So I need to dance with the dragon la …. Also it means that staff do not want to be carefree immortals al- they want to slough ……
St G- spot on my dear spot on
StG – feel your land now …….
L- Many lizards are gathering there, talking, my toad also showing me with a lot of love and big $$$$$$ Chinese coins- wash they are really huge coins-
St G _ Big money – it is …..
L-What’s does the top "yau" on the kua "Heng" - - "duration" means ?
St G- like I said before - when it goes to top- it is the new energy way of working as it goes to the soul. In the past , it is fearful to connect to god- hence the 6 yau is feared . but if you can use your new energy, the 6 yau is “double green dragon “ in the old energy days, everything has a hierarchy , and proper place- that is the 5th yau is that – the place of control- now since you do need to control anymore- why worry that it is a 6 yau ……New NEegry is expression, not hierarchy, my dear – this is my lecture on new Energy I Ching this month .

I am that I am , and so it is

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sexual Energy Virus is the Dark X Factor

I have not been writing for quite a while….since November 2009, I was so overwhelmed by the intense energies; nothing came to flow in words…. It did not help, with the sexual energies school ( SES ) in Japan. The SES School finished last Sunday …. And the energies were released. Much as I like not to get involved with the Japan SES school, I was , invariably dragged in by the energies beccoz of the karmic ties I had to the group who attended the school ,and the Japanese CC leader who was so threatened by the SES school. He was the one who terrorized me and others in Atlantis, and in this life, he still tried to “control “me and others who were his “victims “.

I could feel his energies, which amped up to the max in the months of December 2009 and January 2010, as the SES class was scheduled on 29-31 Jan 2010. Not only the pain in the right arm came back, I also had a hit and run accident in January ( on the right side of my Suzuki - interesting , not on the left feminine side ) , for minutes b4 the accident , I could “ see” his face so clearly . Now I understood that the pain in my right arm when I was in Queensland in August last year had to do with the karmic tie to him, my victim energies and the sexual energies virus (SEV). For those who read this and not familiar with the SEV, it is a consiousness virus that makes you feel that you are a “victim” of whatever happens to you . It causes you to go mental, disconnect with your heart and your intuition and feelings. It cause you to think that you are logical and have common sense , and become righteous. the other symptom is the tendency to go into drama, creating dramas and feeding on the drama energies . The SEV also affects the organs in the root and sacral chakras and the heart. Those have issues with the reproductive organs and breast ailments should take a check on this .... and it affects your financial health . Ya, sex and money are linked

The serious case of people with SEV , are those involved in sexual abuse, pornography , child abuse , domestic violence ( both physical and mental ). Other worse forms of SEV are rape and torture in wars. – Usually directed to women. Tobias, in his teachings through the Crimson Circle, has linked this to the Wound of Isis (the sacred feminine energies) – the degrading of women form time immemorial. Another sign of the SEV is the need to be in control of situations and the person is very manipulative. Many politicians are high with this SEV 

Last Thursday, after work, I was drawn to watch YouTube on “Jesus Christ Superstar “- the musical play by Andrew Lloyd Webber (1973). I first heard this in my teens in the late 70s and I absolutely loved it. Now , with my past life memories , I know why I loved it so much as I was a follower of Mary Magdalene in this special time on earth , I was in the entourage of Yeshua Ben Joseph. I have not listened to the Jesus Christ Superstar for a long long time. In fact not since the 1980s as I did not have the audio. But last week, before the start of the SES Class in Japan, in the evening on last Thursday, sitting alone in my deserted office, I felt the energies of Yeshua so strongly; I searched on YouTube for this play.

As expected, I found this movie, broken into parts and I started playing …. After listening a few songs , tearing , I laughed as I realized that I have listened to all the songs sung by Mary Magdalene, played by Yvonne Eliman. And Yeshua told me, He and MM will be the leading energies guiding the Japan Class.

I knew the 11-11 energies window was relentless and I thought I had taken enough precaution – to do a lot of walks, meditation, breathing ….. And tried to go to my head quarter – Bukit Tinggi as much as I could. Then another thing blew up ….my family matter. For a about a 6 weeks, I had been “seeing “my late grand mother and father. At first I could not understand what it meant. Then when the situation evolved.. I realized that I had to go out and settled a long standing family squabbles – that have been brewing for the last 70 years that involved my family and cousins and uncles and aunty. In fact, it not only stared in this life, but spanned across life times. Grand mother and father were literary breathing down my neck to “sort it out”. At times I could even see my late grandfather- I never felt much connection with him before!!!!!

I supposed a part of me knew it was coming as I was so busy in the month of December , reconnecting with my cousins and relatives all over the world –Hong Kong, San Francisco, Montreal , Australia , UK….. on Facebook we are a quintessential l Overseas Chinese family 

I was given to understand that it is not only for the benefit of others – my relatives, but for my well being, and journey of ascension hat I need to sort out the family matter. Becoz, without releasing the energies , which I am an integral part of – karmically and biologically , I could not move on . Just like if I did not help and support the SES class in Japan to break the vicious cycle of the SEV within Shaumbras , - a spiritual family that I was tied to from the time of Atlantis , I could not move on either .

Honestly, it was no fun. But , I accept that since I have made a decision to be free of the SEV, this is the natural course of event that incidents happened on all aspects of my life – my biological family , my spiritual tie to Shaumbras , and even in my office !!!! I have to accept that I have asked for the clearing … and I should surrender to the process. Boy oh Boy, it has not been easy – becoz it’s an assault of the SEV on all front- mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.

When I was in Ipoh, the energies were so bad that for about 5-6 days, all my clairs were closed down by the thickness of the energies of everyone there. I literally was taking on the energies of more than 10 families. Its not that I heroically took it on, but invariably, it stuck on me. During my 3 nights in Ipoh, I had to breath, meditate and chanted mantra every night for a long time to regain balance – which followed by 3 more days of intense therapy and healing when I came back to KL.

I have a deeper appreciation why my clairs were closed down when I was a tot . In a past life recall, at 18 months, I was screaming to leave my body, which was lying in a sarong crib. At that time , I saw Kuthumi and St G standing next to the sarong and they told me that I had to close down my clairs if I were to live on in that tiny body. That was the reason I could not remember anything before I was 5 and never knew I was psychic until 2000…. It’s all for a very good reason. I might have been driven to kill myself if my clairs were to remain open since young… .

At times when the pain in my right arm was so bad in the past 2 months, I became very resentful especially I could see the Japanese guy and his wife who were psychically attacking me. To solve that, I cut chords a few times a day, asked AA Michael and Kuan Yin to come, I chanted mantra to hold my balance. The rage climaxed when my car was in a hit and run in the 1st week of January, I was boiling. I could not understand why I had made a choice to disconnect from Japan and I was still susceptible to his attack. that prompted me to write a few very angry and SEV rigged emails to other Shaumbras to vent my anger and self righteousness ( of course that was a sign that I lost my balance and lost to the Sev again ) . Now , in hind sight , my family situation was also affecting me at that time , but I had not realized it then .

This is a real and up closed and personal encounter with the SEV, really it was literarily shoved into my face and bodies …and now I do appreciate that how this SEV is really f….. cking us in every aspect of our life and Why Tobias saw it as his principal task to teach about it before he came back to earth, and why it remained to be the most popular course of the Crimson Circle. And it gave me a microscopic look at the teachers who are teaching this course and how it affects an organization – especially spiritual organization. The pic is not pretty ….

I was in a brawl with Crimson Circle over the teaching in Japan. Of course, I acknowledge that at times the SEV was rigging me ….and I knew it was working on those involved as well.

Well, I found out in the journey of this, Joy is the best panacea for SEV. And there is no Joy when you are not loving yourself and enjoying your life. Nature will also help a lot to restore the balance.

And MUSIC, arh,,, yes , music made and sung from the heart will kill the virus and restore the balance. There were days where I was literally hanging on to the energetic cliff face with my finger tips , that I used music – creative music like the Beatles and Joe Mcelderry to rejuvenate me and help me to climb back up to the cliff and rescue me from the fall into the ravine …………..

I will sign off here, for now. More on SEV soon…. And I leave you with You Tube clip of Joe Mcelderry “ the Climb “ and Don’t Stop Believing as they describe my Climb to move the mountain call SEV ……………..


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Activation of Avatar's DNA


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 9:10 PM, ELSIE HUI wrote:
ps: Shirely, can u pls upload to loving blog,,i will learn in todo uploading frm one of my students soon...tks
29 DEC 2009 – Elsie Hui’s sharing and hope you will learn something
10 DEC 2009

Be thankfull; Accept ; Receive ; Surrender: Embrace; Be thankful
Shifted frm this SEMI d house, to this magnificent garden bungalow.
A sense of abundance? Universe arrange this to happen to me , though I didn’t want to shift and resisting to shift. I have been staying in the old house abt 8-9years and was comfortable at where I am.
Btw, I am just renting the room for RM350 frm my aunt, same price for the semid and bungalow! Walau eh…strike lottery I thought to myself ? This is the perfect plc for me to be in Nature( butterflies, birds chirping, insects singing, abundance of place and natural sun for me to meditate and fresh air! It has always been my dream home – partially jungle house . Not so luxurious, but for the time being I accept with gratefulness and appreciation.

What did I learn?
Abundance comes in many forms not just monetary but its this; A surprise bungalow, ample space and fresh air , ample quietness and peace surrounded by Mother Nature… I couldn’t have asked for more since I set this goal 5 years ago – this is it!
Lesson to Accept in the greater being of Mother Nature coming near to me. Btw, to come to this juncture of my Life – I worked hard to manifest this to happen but just didn’t know I was presented with this….mysterious and magical : )

Being the Light / Lesson I need to teach others for accepting this Gift
My knowingness tells me that I am suppose to help and nurture my aunt, uncle who are in their late 70’s & my 2cousins for their purpose of Life. Their other 3 children already migrated to Australia. So I am prepared for an exchange of knowledge and unconditional love and holding tolerance for their all highest good for what I have openly accepted to receive. It would be an interesting journey for me to harmonize this family’s energy: )

27DEC 2009
Aha…! Impermanence; things changes , feelings and thoughts changes every moment. So this is the other not so nice side of things that happen to me as I am not all Saint, heheh
27DEC : @9am : I had high fever almost fainted ; as I only see white lights. Cold sweat non-stop after a great night out celebrating my birthday ??? What’s all this ?
So many thoughts came; if I fainted how? – so many (-) tots arise, so I am not going to elaborate on this …bores u till death…
So I compose myself & took deep breaths and hen I regain consciousness & mental tots….
Took some alternative ‘wisdom’ mushroom lingzhi tea, slept for abt body went back to normal temperature..gee..thank goodness! I am still breathing J
Hmmm…its those days that one need to surrender to physical pain.
28DEC: Look @photos. Right leg swollen after the day of fever..argghh. I know fever came to me as a warning as ‘our body is our temple’. It highlights stuff, but one need to be aware of the symptoms and signs. Also my lower back(where my kidney is) indicates needle pain. Hahaha..its all a good sign as I have read frm Harvey Diamond and Louisa Hay books, its just symptoms.
I know I have much toxins and emotional blockages I need to release frm within, probably anger, guilt, fear that I am not good enough since birth plus my growing working years. One just don’t realize it … I recommend those who want to know abt abundance health and emotional linkages, pls read Harvey Diamond and Louisa Hay books
Btw, by birth I have already have weak kidney as indicated on my dark circle eyes…that is why I am call the Panda sometimes, hehe
Anyway, this time round, its releasing and cleansing internally, just that bodily pain appears outwardly as photos.

I embrace all the swelling, fever & painful leg as my best friend for all these are just temporary. All will pass. I face this ugly sight of my foot with unconditional love and forgiveness for myself as this is nothing but just an illusion for I am not attach to my body nor to my feelings. This is esp very difficult for a clairsentience..
So I am just embracing and allowing toxins to flow rather than suppressing within while I still can endure physical pain with ease. Otherwise, who knows these ‘blocked toxins’ can turn cancerous.

I learn not to be attached to my happy high feelings but to ride with the moment to moment golden flow with abundance of my residence. ..
Having physical pain is a Blessings – one cant take our health for granted as this is also health in abundance where I need to take time to fully rest my body, mind and soul.
It’s abt thankfulness, acceptance, trust in our Higher Divine Self, Surrender, detach, embrace & thankfulness again for pain be it emotional or bodily pain.
Live in the moment to moment..Life is as great as we make it to be, when one conquer emotional and physical pain! The Sun will shine again and golden energy will flow flow…
Happy Blessed 2010, Cosmic hug to All,
elsie hui

New Windows 7: Simplify what you do everyday. Find the right PC for you.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Abrahan 's quote

If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest: Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself. Some say, "Well, Abraham you teach selfishness. And we say, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do, because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection, you don't have anything to give anyone, anyway. And when you are selfish enough to make that connection -- you have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are.
--- Abraham

Friday, November 27, 2009

Flow comes from remembering only love is real

Today is D day for me , the last day of work before I fly to Paris . I do not know what is going to happen in Paris , but I feel it will be special . Since I have , unknowingly chosen to depart on 29-11- another 11-11, and coming back on 12-12- which means owning my power .

Sinnce last week, St G has told me my holiday has started – but the human side still wants to fret… But I have let go heaps in the last few days, and surrendered.

As usual , the human side tried to come in today , to get mental …. But I am getting better …..

A few important projects that I am doing are on track , one did not seem to be on track, until I “ came back “ into me , in the NOW ……its hard, because the mind keeps telling me , it’s the last day , it’s the last day , everything has to be under control and in order. Where as the divine part says – why hurry – the only way to live is JOY ….. And I can warp time, and choose there is enough time to do everything …..

New projects also came in the last two days, to ensure that I will have steady stream of limitless abundance even I am away for 2 weeks. St G has said that the France trip is on him as I have to write a book about him and snap photos in France – his haunts. I was doubtful- I asked him – for the 4 of us – the entire family … he said yes.

Of course, there is still the tendency to hunt for bargains- this is my mind keep prodding me, but – I have sneaking suspicions that if I choose to have a luxurious and fun holiday it will happen. Looking at the money that flow s it, it certainly looks like I can live like what I used to be (in past life) in the next 2 weeks in France, if I dare to spend it all 

Do I Dare? Do I trust myself – that the abundance is limitless, and is a constant flow – when I am not stuck > When I am in that loving sacred place? When I JUST AM????

Ha-ha, I suspect this is part of the test for me to go Paris. - When the human pressure is building up to prepare money for year end bonus and Chinese New year spending …..hmmmm interesting. He always like to do this kind of lesson ….. And let me find the answer. The simpler I make my life- the easier the solutions have been …. When I am out of my mind, in my heart and not try to drive or control things.

Another thing that excites me is how much I will remember this time when I am in France. This is my 3rd time in France – after 12 years – now my senses are open – in 1996 and 1997 – I did not even know that I was psychic…

I watched the Movie “Atonement” lately. Usually, I would avoid a movie with a name like that – this time- it’s so Catholic, I was nudged to watch it …..

It was a beautiful story , and james Mcavoy is a very good actor , the others were good also . But what moved me most – was the scene where James’s character , after being discharged from Jail, to go to war, for a rape that he did not commit , meet Bryony , the young girl who testified that he was the rapist – ruining his life .

He met Bryony in Bryony’s sister flat in London – played brilliant by Keira Knightley . When Bryony tried to apologies to him for what she had done to him – he got very emotional and started questioning her – whether she knew what it was like, to be falsely accused and convicted and spent his life, wasting away in jail for an oxford graduate- betrayed by someone he almost considered being a younger sister.

His lover, played by Keira said

“come back ……come back here ( and now ) “..

Isn’t what we all need to remember – when we are raked by fear, pain , sorrow , anger , dejection – we go out into the past or in the future – should not we all come back here – in the heart …. In the now? in that loving accepting , quiet and sacred space ?

I collected my 75k at lunch today – this is my spending money ….when I got to office – I heard a voice that keeps telling me – this is the birth of a new energy lawyer …..
I know I know- how much I have changed in my approach to work compared to a few years – even now I am doing project as big as I sued to do again – this time – when I am in my loving , not fixing / controlling mood – things just flow …..

Saturday, November 21, 2009

FLOW- lack of ......................

This morning , I woke up wanting this to be a holiday as it is a Saturday. I wanted to rest , I needed to rest. After breathing, despite the daily construction at the back of house, which starts at 8 a.m. sharp every morning, except Sundays, I heard Lala’s shrill voice. She lives in the back, as usual is waging her war against the developer – this time over the foot path. This morning, the drilling noise was real bad …..I could not concentrate. But , thank God, I could not hear my mother’s voice downstairs.

Just Breath ……………….slowly, my body heated up, I could feel the energies running through the entire body …the ear candling session yesterday was very good. I used about 20 candles . And the veins and meridians are really loosening up. - The stuckness has gone away a little more.

Its good, despite the noise, the Chi is flowing in my body. The word “flow “came to me. Wu Wei is flow …. New energy is flow – everything just flows into place nicely. The unicorn, his name if Fu-Ah , coming in now as my animal totem is also about flow. Its time for me to learn and remember the gentle part of me ……The Owl is still in the back ground some where, but Fu-Ah- is about Life- "full of Aha moments!" Not the disruptions, loud noises and interruptions. Then why are these disturbances on an early Saturday morning?

I took a How is My Day I Ching Card- it is San Di " Puo". Mountain and Earth - Peeling away. The first line moved , so it became San Lei - Yi Mountain and Thunder - Sustenance .

Did I really create these interruptions and distractions in my life???? It’s hard to accept this …. There are things that I want to do now – for e.g. - to tidy up the house, buy some new furniture, do a make over, as we have lived in this house since 1993- a touch up is long over due ….Also the cleanliness and tidiness of the house is wanting- My maid – she is too bad, in terms of honesty, but is getting sloppy in her work. It’s a bit ironical that I want to do big things when I cannot even organize a tidy house. Are my priorities out of balance? Or I am too demanding on my self? After all, I run 2 businesses, pursue my spiritual path , have a family – am I biting off too much that I am suffering from indigestion?

At this very moment – I wish I can have a reprieve- may be a 3 months’ break- living by myself in a beautiful little hut, in the nature , in the middle of nowhere so I can juts BE….with me and nature . So I can be in a quiet, clean, universe, safe, no disturbance and interruptions from humans or others. May be write a book, may be just doing nothing and enjoy life.

What stops me from doing this? If I am a real creator- I should be able to arrange this …….What cant I do it? Money pressure? I need to continue working? To pay for all the commitments?

Or I am in a whirlpool of never ending earning and spending? Can I stop some where, and just breath and be?

Walking down the stairs, my mother started her usual pouncing, ( she just came down 2 days ago from Ipoh ) – wanting Peter to bring her wanting to fix her phone IMMEDIATELY. As usual, she is brash and impatient. I frowned. Then my sister came in, checking on with Pete, the some questions of renovation on her new house that she is buying.

With the pounding and heavy drilling in the back of the house from the construction site , my peace was destroyed . I sighed, would I ever going to have a reprieve in my house? It’s my house, my castle. It’s been a hard and tiring week- tension filled, and I was fluish the whole week.

Where is my PEACE? Where is the flow? Where is the Wu Wei? If a part of me has created this chaos, definitely the conscious self wanted nothing of this.

Peter and I disagreed on where to go for breakfast. But I put my foot down; I wanted to go where I wanted to go- this is about loving me

Am I loving myself by being so busy ? Hmm, then I got a phone call, my god mother fell and is hospitalized in Ipoh and I need to drive back to Ipoh tomorrow to see her. So My Sunday is gone as well. Looks like I really need to sit down and make some clear choices to rearrange my life out of this chaos ……


A Voice said -

Becoz you are not living in the now . You worry too much about money- about preparing money for salary before you go overseas . Enjoy Life – this is the source of abundance – this is the source of your PEACE. This is the state of Wu Wei.

Where is your gnost – where is your wu wei.

It has gone out the door when you fret and fret.

No flow – life becomes difficult, distracting, boring, and only about surviving, getting through from one day to the next.

Flows means- everything will resolve it self – money, health, relationship, opportunism. Flows = gnosis = new energy=great, great abundance – money that you can never finish spending .aka health aka youth aka rejuvenation

What creates the “fretting “-

The voice said

“Beliefs systems, suffering complex- you need to work hard, to get what you want. you need to suffer to make Big moeny , or even not so Big money ( laugher )

Worry that things would go wrong aka low self worth aka not loving yourself aka forgetting your ‘I AM NESS”.

When you float out from the NOW moment- and let fear and worry rule your life- that’s – you are screwed ….things will go out of sync………

FU Ah- are you talking to me? Are you the Voice?

Its me – I saw the face of an Owl- my wise one in me is the Voice.

Then I discovered the right front tyre of my Merc needs to be replaced . It went into a pot hole when i tried to park my car in Ipoh on the morning of 11-11. I did not realise how serious was the little scratch until the mechanic near my house told me to change it immediately as the tyre will blow up anytime , eventhough the scratch looks harmless. Well i can only take it as some old energy was playing with me on 11-11, not wanting me to bring in the New Energy. I brought my car to the mechanic to change the tyres .

My sister called , checking with me whether I was going back to Ipoh and whether her daughter will get a lift from me.

I knew it ! My mother was up to her manipulation and arrangement again . She was deftly arranging for my niece to come back with me from Ipoh without checking with me whether it is ok for her to get a ride. This is what infuriates me everytime- she would run my life , without notice . OF course I would not mind givng a lift , but i MIND if this was arranged without my ASKING ME FIRST.

NOw , I realised the Puo Card is about "flow "- No flow today , and Yi Card is about whether i could control my temper.

As I write this , i could feel laughter by ST G and the Gang-

He is saying- what are you creating to attract this kind of energy from your mother ?

But , but I said" i am the victim ? a victim of my mother's manipulation !!!

He says- "So , have you been feeding her ? have you been Seducing her manipulation ?

DUH !!!

St G says ...." Breath move some energies - you are wokred by the Sexual energy virus again ? "

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Doing evreything with ease becoz I love myself

I have chosen to know my potentials, what I can do , what are my hidden talents since May 2009.

The journey of discovery of my potentials are scary but exciting . I found myself expanding what I do as a lawyer , going into area that I never dreamed that I would do before. Today, I found myself doing another first, I spoke out on the move to build a 8 feet high party wall that separate our area from the Shopping Centre. At the rate I am going, I may end up standing for election for public office ( just joking :)). Most importantly, i found that I could speak out my truth, express my feelings on the matter without anger, frustration and drama. I found that becoz I have chosen to live my life with ease and grace, but also speak out loving , in my truth . This is great as I am truly expressing myself . It feels so good to speka my mind, not thinking that no body would listen - that to me is another step towards loving myself - because I love myself, I accept that i need to air my view , but at the same time , honoring others free choice . without going into victimhood and thinking nobody would listen to me, or worse still, the negative thinking - the trouble makers are not going to listen anyway ........"

Do you know that once you speak your truth without anger and any form of energy feeding , without feeling you are a victim, it moves a tremendous amount of energies in your body and in your spirit- and things will get more exciting, and you actually feel good with moving energy this way.

Anther thing is I find that if i love myself, i would live every day as if it is a holiday , and things seems to flow ....much better , and I like to try out new things .....

I have also chosen to try out my hand to become a property developer, because I can play with the concept of green building . and Last fir day, I drew the 64 kua- the Thunder and lake "Lui Je Kuai Mei" kua , in the morning . in the afternoon, I was told I have an opportunity to become a shareholder in a developer company . Even though this is not a sure thing yet, But I am amazed how fast my desire manifest in the New Energy as , everyday, i am willing to believe in miracles , I am willing to believe that i am a creator, I can make clear choices .