Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sexual Energy Virus is the Dark X Factor

I have not been writing for quite a while….since November 2009, I was so overwhelmed by the intense energies; nothing came to flow in words…. It did not help, with the sexual energies school ( SES ) in Japan. The SES School finished last Sunday …. And the energies were released. Much as I like not to get involved with the Japan SES school, I was , invariably dragged in by the energies beccoz of the karmic ties I had to the group who attended the school ,and the Japanese CC leader who was so threatened by the SES school. He was the one who terrorized me and others in Atlantis, and in this life, he still tried to “control “me and others who were his “victims “.

I could feel his energies, which amped up to the max in the months of December 2009 and January 2010, as the SES class was scheduled on 29-31 Jan 2010. Not only the pain in the right arm came back, I also had a hit and run accident in January ( on the right side of my Suzuki - interesting , not on the left feminine side ) , for minutes b4 the accident , I could “ see” his face so clearly . Now I understood that the pain in my right arm when I was in Queensland in August last year had to do with the karmic tie to him, my victim energies and the sexual energies virus (SEV). For those who read this and not familiar with the SEV, it is a consiousness virus that makes you feel that you are a “victim” of whatever happens to you . It causes you to go mental, disconnect with your heart and your intuition and feelings. It cause you to think that you are logical and have common sense , and become righteous. the other symptom is the tendency to go into drama, creating dramas and feeding on the drama energies . The SEV also affects the organs in the root and sacral chakras and the heart. Those have issues with the reproductive organs and breast ailments should take a check on this .... and it affects your financial health . Ya, sex and money are linked

The serious case of people with SEV , are those involved in sexual abuse, pornography , child abuse , domestic violence ( both physical and mental ). Other worse forms of SEV are rape and torture in wars. – Usually directed to women. Tobias, in his teachings through the Crimson Circle, has linked this to the Wound of Isis (the sacred feminine energies) – the degrading of women form time immemorial. Another sign of the SEV is the need to be in control of situations and the person is very manipulative. Many politicians are high with this SEV 

Last Thursday, after work, I was drawn to watch YouTube on “Jesus Christ Superstar “- the musical play by Andrew Lloyd Webber (1973). I first heard this in my teens in the late 70s and I absolutely loved it. Now , with my past life memories , I know why I loved it so much as I was a follower of Mary Magdalene in this special time on earth , I was in the entourage of Yeshua Ben Joseph. I have not listened to the Jesus Christ Superstar for a long long time. In fact not since the 1980s as I did not have the audio. But last week, before the start of the SES Class in Japan, in the evening on last Thursday, sitting alone in my deserted office, I felt the energies of Yeshua so strongly; I searched on YouTube for this play.

As expected, I found this movie, broken into parts and I started playing …. After listening a few songs , tearing , I laughed as I realized that I have listened to all the songs sung by Mary Magdalene, played by Yvonne Eliman. And Yeshua told me, He and MM will be the leading energies guiding the Japan Class.

I knew the 11-11 energies window was relentless and I thought I had taken enough precaution – to do a lot of walks, meditation, breathing ….. And tried to go to my head quarter – Bukit Tinggi as much as I could. Then another thing blew up ….my family matter. For a about a 6 weeks, I had been “seeing “my late grand mother and father. At first I could not understand what it meant. Then when the situation evolved.. I realized that I had to go out and settled a long standing family squabbles – that have been brewing for the last 70 years that involved my family and cousins and uncles and aunty. In fact, it not only stared in this life, but spanned across life times. Grand mother and father were literary breathing down my neck to “sort it out”. At times I could even see my late grandfather- I never felt much connection with him before!!!!!

I supposed a part of me knew it was coming as I was so busy in the month of December , reconnecting with my cousins and relatives all over the world –Hong Kong, San Francisco, Montreal , Australia , UK….. on Facebook we are a quintessential l Overseas Chinese family 

I was given to understand that it is not only for the benefit of others – my relatives, but for my well being, and journey of ascension hat I need to sort out the family matter. Becoz, without releasing the energies , which I am an integral part of – karmically and biologically , I could not move on . Just like if I did not help and support the SES class in Japan to break the vicious cycle of the SEV within Shaumbras , - a spiritual family that I was tied to from the time of Atlantis , I could not move on either .

Honestly, it was no fun. But , I accept that since I have made a decision to be free of the SEV, this is the natural course of event that incidents happened on all aspects of my life – my biological family , my spiritual tie to Shaumbras , and even in my office !!!! I have to accept that I have asked for the clearing … and I should surrender to the process. Boy oh Boy, it has not been easy – becoz it’s an assault of the SEV on all front- mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.

When I was in Ipoh, the energies were so bad that for about 5-6 days, all my clairs were closed down by the thickness of the energies of everyone there. I literally was taking on the energies of more than 10 families. Its not that I heroically took it on, but invariably, it stuck on me. During my 3 nights in Ipoh, I had to breath, meditate and chanted mantra every night for a long time to regain balance – which followed by 3 more days of intense therapy and healing when I came back to KL.

I have a deeper appreciation why my clairs were closed down when I was a tot . In a past life recall, at 18 months, I was screaming to leave my body, which was lying in a sarong crib. At that time , I saw Kuthumi and St G standing next to the sarong and they told me that I had to close down my clairs if I were to live on in that tiny body. That was the reason I could not remember anything before I was 5 and never knew I was psychic until 2000…. It’s all for a very good reason. I might have been driven to kill myself if my clairs were to remain open since young… .

At times when the pain in my right arm was so bad in the past 2 months, I became very resentful especially I could see the Japanese guy and his wife who were psychically attacking me. To solve that, I cut chords a few times a day, asked AA Michael and Kuan Yin to come, I chanted mantra to hold my balance. The rage climaxed when my car was in a hit and run in the 1st week of January, I was boiling. I could not understand why I had made a choice to disconnect from Japan and I was still susceptible to his attack. that prompted me to write a few very angry and SEV rigged emails to other Shaumbras to vent my anger and self righteousness ( of course that was a sign that I lost my balance and lost to the Sev again ) . Now , in hind sight , my family situation was also affecting me at that time , but I had not realized it then .

This is a real and up closed and personal encounter with the SEV, really it was literarily shoved into my face and bodies …and now I do appreciate that how this SEV is really f….. cking us in every aspect of our life and Why Tobias saw it as his principal task to teach about it before he came back to earth, and why it remained to be the most popular course of the Crimson Circle. And it gave me a microscopic look at the teachers who are teaching this course and how it affects an organization – especially spiritual organization. The pic is not pretty ….

I was in a brawl with Crimson Circle over the teaching in Japan. Of course, I acknowledge that at times the SEV was rigging me ….and I knew it was working on those involved as well.

Well, I found out in the journey of this, Joy is the best panacea for SEV. And there is no Joy when you are not loving yourself and enjoying your life. Nature will also help a lot to restore the balance.

And MUSIC, arh,,, yes , music made and sung from the heart will kill the virus and restore the balance. There were days where I was literally hanging on to the energetic cliff face with my finger tips , that I used music – creative music like the Beatles and Joe Mcelderry to rejuvenate me and help me to climb back up to the cliff and rescue me from the fall into the ravine …………..

I will sign off here, for now. More on SEV soon…. And I leave you with You Tube clip of Joe Mcelderry “ the Climb “ and Don’t Stop Believing as they describe my Climb to move the mountain call SEV ……………..



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