Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Activation of Avatar's DNA


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 9:10 PM, ELSIE HUI wrote:
ps: Shirely, can u pls upload to loving blog,,i will learn in todo uploading frm one of my students soon...tks
29 DEC 2009 – Elsie Hui’s sharing and hope you will learn something
10 DEC 2009

Be thankfull; Accept ; Receive ; Surrender: Embrace; Be thankful
Shifted frm this SEMI d house, to this magnificent garden bungalow.
A sense of abundance? Universe arrange this to happen to me , though I didn’t want to shift and resisting to shift. I have been staying in the old house abt 8-9years and was comfortable at where I am.
Btw, I am just renting the room for RM350 frm my aunt, same price for the semid and bungalow! Walau eh…strike lottery I thought to myself ? This is the perfect plc for me to be in Nature( butterflies, birds chirping, insects singing, abundance of place and natural sun for me to meditate and fresh air! It has always been my dream home – partially jungle house . Not so luxurious, but for the time being I accept with gratefulness and appreciation.

What did I learn?
Abundance comes in many forms not just monetary but its this; A surprise bungalow, ample space and fresh air , ample quietness and peace surrounded by Mother Nature… I couldn’t have asked for more since I set this goal 5 years ago – this is it!
Lesson to Accept in the greater being of Mother Nature coming near to me. Btw, to come to this juncture of my Life – I worked hard to manifest this to happen but just didn’t know I was presented with this….mysterious and magical : )

Being the Light / Lesson I need to teach others for accepting this Gift
My knowingness tells me that I am suppose to help and nurture my aunt, uncle who are in their late 70’s & my 2cousins for their purpose of Life. Their other 3 children already migrated to Australia. So I am prepared for an exchange of knowledge and unconditional love and holding tolerance for their all highest good for what I have openly accepted to receive. It would be an interesting journey for me to harmonize this family’s energy: )

27DEC 2009
Aha…! Impermanence; things changes , feelings and thoughts changes every moment. So this is the other not so nice side of things that happen to me as I am not all Saint, heheh
27DEC : @9am : I had high fever almost fainted ; as I only see white lights. Cold sweat non-stop after a great night out celebrating my birthday ??? What’s all this ?
So many thoughts came; if I fainted how? – so many (-) tots arise, so I am not going to elaborate on this …bores u till death…
So I compose myself & took deep breaths and hen I regain consciousness & mental tots….
Took some alternative ‘wisdom’ mushroom lingzhi tea, slept for abt body went back to normal temperature..gee..thank goodness! I am still breathing J
Hmmm…its those days that one need to surrender to physical pain.
28DEC: Look @photos. Right leg swollen after the day of fever..argghh. I know fever came to me as a warning as ‘our body is our temple’. It highlights stuff, but one need to be aware of the symptoms and signs. Also my lower back(where my kidney is) indicates needle pain. Hahaha..its all a good sign as I have read frm Harvey Diamond and Louisa Hay books, its just symptoms.
I know I have much toxins and emotional blockages I need to release frm within, probably anger, guilt, fear that I am not good enough since birth plus my growing working years. One just don’t realize it … I recommend those who want to know abt abundance health and emotional linkages, pls read Harvey Diamond and Louisa Hay books
Btw, by birth I have already have weak kidney as indicated on my dark circle eyes…that is why I am call the Panda sometimes, hehe
Anyway, this time round, its releasing and cleansing internally, just that bodily pain appears outwardly as photos.

I embrace all the swelling, fever & painful leg as my best friend for all these are just temporary. All will pass. I face this ugly sight of my foot with unconditional love and forgiveness for myself as this is nothing but just an illusion for I am not attach to my body nor to my feelings. This is esp very difficult for a clairsentience..
So I am just embracing and allowing toxins to flow rather than suppressing within while I still can endure physical pain with ease. Otherwise, who knows these ‘blocked toxins’ can turn cancerous.

I learn not to be attached to my happy high feelings but to ride with the moment to moment golden flow with abundance of my residence. ..
Having physical pain is a Blessings – one cant take our health for granted as this is also health in abundance where I need to take time to fully rest my body, mind and soul.
It’s abt thankfulness, acceptance, trust in our Higher Divine Self, Surrender, detach, embrace & thankfulness again for pain be it emotional or bodily pain.
Live in the moment to moment..Life is as great as we make it to be, when one conquer emotional and physical pain! The Sun will shine again and golden energy will flow flow…
Happy Blessed 2010, Cosmic hug to All,
elsie hui

New Windows 7: Simplify what you do everyday. Find the right PC for you.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Abrahan 's quote

If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest: Entertaining Yourself, pleasing Yourself, connecting with Yourself, being Yourself, enjoying Yourself, loving Yourself. Some say, "Well, Abraham you teach selfishness. And we say, yes we do, yes we do, yes we do, because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection, you don't have anything to give anyone, anyway. And when you are selfish enough to make that connection -- you have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are.
--- Abraham